Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Customer Service my left foot...

Just got off the phone with a photographer in our bridal shows. He's a jerk. He asked Em to pose nude for a shoot one time. Idiot.

So I'm in charge of sending the vendors the brides leads we get from the shows to them. So I called to verify he recieved his list. Ug. I'm friendly. I'm nice. And he asks me why we changed the format of the list from Access to Excel. Well, that's what most people wanted, so that's why. Well, he just can't seem to deal with that so he asks why can't I get it to him any other way?

Sure. Why not? It's my job to cater to them. Do what they wish.

So I tell him I'll get it to him in the format he requested.

This involves: calling Glenda to get the other format, more than likely driving to Plano (IN MY FREAKIN' GAS GUZZLIN' JEEP) to get the disk (since more than likely she won't or CAN'T email it (yeah, don't ask why, PLEASE don't ask why, I deal with the technically inept ALL DAY LONG), then I'll get back to the office and spend 30 minutes getting the stupid thing to him all so this idiot can have his way and all in the name of customer service.


You think my boss will notice? Or say thank you? Or give me any kind of credit?!?!?!

NO! I don't think so!
And it's not the fact that I want any credit it's the principle of the matter. That I work hard and I get NOTHING in return. AND TODAY IT PISSES ME OFF.

Dadfreakin'gumit. And on top of this, the migraine that has be sitting on the edge of my left temple for about three days now has hit. Yeah. And I have no Amerge to take of it.

How's that for complaining?

And I'm not even going to apologize.


Demosthenes said...

Wow! I'm sorry about your day, but you have just combined two of my favorite words into one blissful combination of frustration - dad-freakin-gumit. That's awesome.

I think it's cool that you're willing to go the extra mile, but did you really need to? Was this guy threatening to pull his business if you didn't? It doesn't seem to me that his request is reasonable.

rambouillet said...

blissful is a great word as well

wow. i'm a dork

Scott said...


I agree with Demo that his expectations sound unreasonable - but then it sounds like you don't get to decide whether your company wants his business or not. I think we're getting to see some of the reason your job sucks!

GreatBeefalo said...

since when do we get a thank you for anything?

If you labor in the vineyard, youre sure to get crapped on.

rambouillet said...

Writer, I like the way you think!Could we be related? ;)