Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tolerating tolerance

We were at Pier 1 yesterday doing some more wedding resgistering. The form we had to fill out struck me as odd. There were no places for the bride and groom to enter their information - only places for the "registrant" and the "co-registrant." There was not a place for a wedding date only places for the "type of event" and "date of event." This may not seem like such a big deal but when I thought about it later it occurred to me that Pier 1 was trying to make things more "sexual orientation" friendly - if you will.

A friend and I were having this discussion the other day. Do I condone homosexuality? No. Do I condone getting drunk? No. Do I condone murder? No. Do I condone adultery? No. And yet I do not agree with or think this types of behavior (whether that behavior is chosen or whether it's biological) are acceptable and yet I am supposed to respect the rights of someone I don't agree with but am not given the same respect if I were to spout my ideas or belives that were not coherant with what someone else believed. I have friends who do and have done these very things... I still love them but I do not agree with what they've done.

This is terribly frustrating. I have rights just like anyone else does. I respect you and your decisions whether I agree with them or not. This thing about "tolerance" however, is not about respect it's about acknowledging and accepting those things which I believe to be wrong. I am supposed to like it. I'm supposed to say it's ok. But there is no reverse tolerance. It only goes one way.

There's a great quote by Thomas Jeffereson that pretty much says that my right to punch your lights out ends at the tip of your nose. He's right. I have the right to do a lot of things, but I don't because you have rights as well. With the abuse of rights there are consequences. If I punch you out and you don't agree with why I did or don't feel I had the "right" to, then I could be charged with assault because you interpreted my rights differently.

I think tolerance and politial correctness have done more to harm us than help us.


GreatBeefalo said...

well, you know what they say--political correctness is intellectual fascism. Crap, did I spell fascism right?

Demosthenes said...

Good quote beef, but you know that the true irony of it all is that people seem to be completely intolerant of intolerance.

Plus if I tell you that it's wrong to impose your morals/beliefs on other people - am I not imposing a moral/belief on you that it is wrong for you to do likewise?

It's time we made the door of tolerance swing both ways (no pun intended)