Soooooo... it's been awhile. Yeah. I didn't realize it has been two months since I posted... and I wonder why I don't have "close" blogging buddies. Hmmmm. Anyhoo, here's an update for those interested:
1) Job is good. I'm taking classes to get my alternative certification AND teaching at the same time. Kinda crazy but it's cool.
2) We have a new dog. Yeah. He's really cute. Mark wanted a new dog as soon as we moved into the new house (which, we're here now). We found the pitt puppy at the Rowlett Animal Shelter and Mark named him Charlie. I'll have to post pics. Sydney is a little jealous - he has stolen her bed and is taking medicine because he's sick. I think she feels like she's not getting enough attention. I always thought that people who talked about their dogs like they were their kids were weird, but when it's all you have at home, I guess it makes sense in a weird, not-so-weird kind of way. Keeping these two out of trouble and both happy is a full-time job. At least we don't have to change their diapers. ;0)
3) Brando, Beef, Mark and I went to the State Fair of Texas the last weekend it was open. It was alot of fun. Mark and I played a few carnival games - which I had never done before. AND he won two stuffed animals for me. I felt like we were in a movie. It was alot of fun and I am still amazed at how wonderful marriage can be. And yes people, I know I don't deserve any of it.
4) Speaking of not deserving... I have been struggling lately with a lot of mental/emotional stuff - I guess that it would be considered baggage. I have vivid memories and conversations in my head that I thought were forgotten... when I remember these things it knocks the breath out of me and sends my head into a tornado of thoughts - most of them terrible.
5) The youth group at church is good. I am struggling somewhat with being a "pastor's wife" - whatever the heck that means. I wish I knew another minister's wife to talk to. I have considered talking to our preacher's wife, but we never seem to have the opportunity. I should just give it a try. I really struggle with some things... but I can't talk to anyone about them because it involves the church and they are the church! Crazy... yes, I'm a lunatic.
6) I have had several very meaningful blog entries floating around in my head. I have often wished that my brain could be a typewriter (just because I like the stamping noise) when I need it to be, my thoughts would dictate and my brain would record. Ah... how nice it would be. I might have several novels of stuff... that would be fun to piece together and sell.
7) I don't know that I do anything for myself. I haven't played my cello in ages, I don't sing at church really anymore (cause it's always in WAY too high of a key and I am still learning all the words to the songs anyway), I don't play basketball.... what do I do for me? I have 11 unfinished books started and have no desire to read any of them because they are all spiritual or self-help type books. They drive me crazy. I always think I'll start one and like it and it's only inevitable that I start one and never finish.
8) Three of my dearest friends from college are pregnant. Wow. My best friend, Bekah, is getting married November 18. Things are good in all of our lives and I am greatful. All the talk about baby stuff scares me though. I know I'm going to have terrible problems and I found out a good friend from high school got pregnant and when she and her husband went for their first sonogram there was no heartbeat. When I received the email from my mom, my stomach lurched and dropped. That's terrible and it makes me very afraid.
9) Well, I'm out for now. I've been getting to bed by around 9:30 pm most nights and looking at the time now, it's past my bedtime.
More later...