Friday, March 24, 2006

I love March Madness & other quips

So, did any of you see the LSU/Duke game last night???? Holy cow! How many free throws can a team score in 9 seconds. That was insane. Duke TOTALLY lost it... they lost their cool and the consequence was the game.

When they took Reddick out with 9 seconds left in the game (to a standing ovation) it was really emotional. Gosh... you KNOW he had DREAMED of cutting down the net. Dang.

I don't have a bracket, I've just been watching the games. But they are all really intense. Like the A&M/Syracuse game. Wow. That was a killer.

Anyhoo... I've always loved college sports (never been much of a NBA or NFL kinda gal) but never kept up with it like this (that's largely.. ok ALL because of my fabulous husband, Mark).

I love March Madness (and the name make so much more sense now that I'm partaking in the madness of it all).

On another note, I know some wives complain about their husbands always watching sports but I'm thankful mine does. He is not a yelling, insane, upset for three days madman when his team does not win - that helps our situation out a lot. :) However, he could be watching a whole lot of other things - things I don't want him watching. So I'm grateful. Besides, I enjoy knowing somethings gives him such pleasure. And if I have a question regarding a ref call or something, it is much better to ask at an opportune time, then we're both happy. I have a better understanding and he doesn't feel as if I'm badgering him to death. At least, I don't think so... hmmm, I should ask him about that! God has blessed me (for reasons I will never understand) with an absolutely amazing husband. This is only one of the many arenas that Mark is a most wonderful man.

One last thing, it makes me CRAZY when you're at a stoplight and immediately after the light turns green the person behind you LAYS on the horn like you've sat there for 10 minutes. Good grief people, that's ridiculous.


Scott said...

One last thing - I've been known to take my time "getting started" when someone lays on the horn at a freshly-greened light.

And UT is still on the brackets! Can I get a "what-what"?

rambouillet said...

Yes, take it eaaaaaaaaaaasy when they start a honkin'...

And I meant to say the LSU/A&M game, that was the killer.

And yeah, it's great the state of Texas is being represented... even if it is by t.u. ;)

RPorche said...


Thanks for commenting on my blog, and thanks for including me on your links. I'm honored! Uh...why don't you send me an email with an update on your life! As I look through your blog, I feel behind. :o) The party you had with friends from out-of-town had a lot of familiar faces that I haven't seen in awhile! Awesome! How much fun?! Blessings on you this weekend...

rambouillet said...

Ryan - will do! It's so good to hear from you and see what your up to!

I'll email you soon!

Demosthenes said...

Yeah I had to miss the Duke game because I was at the Tulsa soul-winning workshops. It was depressing to hear the score, but I proudly wore all my Duke paraphenalia the next day to much riducule.

And although I RARELY honk at anyone - my pet peeve is the opposite (which by the way I am assuming applies to neither you nor Scott) and that is when people are not prepared to GO when the light turns green and wait to put the car in gear until AFTER they see the light turn. Like I said, I rarely honk at anyone, but there is a fine line between not being quick on the draw (which is cool) and not paying attention to the light (which is not cool).