Wednesday, July 20, 2005

During devotional tonight, Bob talked about memories and how strongly we are tied to them. It made me think of my greatest and most cherished memories... these are some of them:

* Riding in the suberban with my family in the desert of New Mexico listening to Rush, Boston and Kansas for hours on end thinking that a trip to Carlsbad Caverns was like a trip to Disney World

* Trips to Grandmom Browning's house, listening to Ray Bradbury books on tape, looking for the red roof (when it was still red)

* Bisquets and gravy at Grandmom's house

* Coffee with my grandparents

* Digging up change for buy one get one free large limeades at Sonic, after school was out each day, with Tocarro

* Uncle Tim reading us the Grover book at Memaw & Pepaw's house, in the GROVER VOICE!!! It rocked!!!

* Flying kites at Central with my bros and Jenny

* Roller skating with Jenny... while our dogs pulled us!

* Daddy's Night Out

* Going to Wonderland with my grandparents and cousins

* Catching fireflys in jars in Tuscola

* Laying in Virda's hospital bed with her sharing secrets!

* Talking with Memaw C... anytime, any place... it's just special


Scott said...

Lemme get this straight - your whole FAMILY listened to Rush, Kansas and Boston? AWESOME!!!

If I ever have kids, they'll probably want to listen to Englebert Humperdink - that'd be my luck.

rambouillet said...

Yes, Scott, yes... my family ROCKS!!! Literally. Ha! We used to wake up on Sunday mornings before church, or mornings before school, with stuff like that playing in the living room... my Dad playing air guitar on the tennis racket. Or Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden or Van Halen (my personal favorite). I have a great family. :)