Friday, July 15, 2005


I was thinking about my Dad this morning. I called and left him a message... was trying to be encouraging... not quite sure if I succeeded or not, but as they say: it's the thought that matters. Dad is currently dealing with a situation that is most troubling. And I think he feels betrayed. I think he's probably hurt. Anyway, my grandmother said that he told her that he thought this person was a friend... and she told him (the truth)that the relationship is one sided - all Dad's. Gee... this sounds familiar.

John Mayer has a song that says: "Fathers be good to your daughters, for daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too."

I have always been my Dad's daughter... no questions there. I guess I have been realizing lately how much. And like my mother as well. On Wednesday I was talking to a good friend of mine and he made the comment that I'm "always worked up." Well, people think that of my Mom too. We're just passionate people... not angry or upset, just passionate. Martin Luther was passionate! You can't change the world without being passionate. Christ was passionate! See, it's biblical. Passion is good. Most the time; the rest of the time it makes you crazy. Anyway, that was a tangent! See, another way I'm like my mother: tangents.

Back to the topic at hand, John Mayers lyrics ring true. My Dad loves people without reservation, with out expecting anything back. He just loves. Whether they wrong him or not, he loves. Whether they reciprocate or not. I am like my father in this manner. I guess I hadn't thought about it before this year, but it's true. It's almost scary how much it's true. My Dad will forever love J, even after everything that happened. Even after he lied to Dad just like he did me. We love him. We love his soul.

Thank you Dad for teaching me to love.

I love you.

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