Friday, July 29, 2005

this is war

Sword heavy, unable to lift
shoulders sore, back aching
Helmet sweaty, calloused hands
Grief makes the heart faint

the clash of metal
their unfair tactics
the deception...
the smell of their sulfer...

I am weary
armor heavy, burdened by guilt
so weighted by my own sinfulness

Continuing on, must keep on
struggling to see the light,
groping for any sign of hope

Open my eyes! God show me!
Please show me and send aid!
Will it never end?

Cut off at the knees, bleeding nubs,
seemingly the last blow?

bleed out
bleed out

pooling red saltiness so I'm left to drown
and I know you are there... so why aren't you here?

And then you come to me... you are there
Legions surrounding, protecting

For a moment, oh, blessed moment!... transcending peace.

Only for a moment and then battle rages on.

For peace's time of permanence has not yet come... not yet come.
Peace's time has not yet come...

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