Thursday, December 22, 2005

Stockings!!! (but not the fishnet kind)

My bizzle the Beef had the pleasure of going home before Mark and I. We're spending Christmas with Mark's family and New Year's with mine. I spoke with the Beef today (which was good... I've been missing him this week) and he said that Mom went out and bought the whole family new stockings!!!

Ok, so some people get new stockings ever year and some people don't even use their stockings... but at OUR house stockings rule supreme.

Every Christmas morning for as long as I can remember (even if we were in a hotel room) Santa has made SURE to fill our stockings with all kinds of goodies. I get more excited about what's in my stocking than what I get in wrapped boxes! Of course, I had to get the low down from Beef (how can I go a week without knowing what my new stocking looks like... how will I know which one Santa set aside for me?!?!?! This is IMPORTANT STUFF people!!!!)

So, here's the rundown on the stocking situation at my parent's house:
Dad: I've been informed that his stocking has Santa on it. :)
Mom: her stocking has an angel on it
Me: my stocking has penguins and hearts on it (and the Beef said the penguins look VERY happy)
Killjoy: his stocking has reindeer on it, oh what fun!
Beef: his is very manly with the bears on it... hehe
And last but not least... drumroll please cause this is AWESOME!!!!!
Mark: YES!!! My mom bought Mark a stocking!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! his stocking has a snowman and a penguin on it. (I think Mom did that on purpose... since my has penguins on it with hearts... his has a penguin and a snowman. How cleaver (or she may not have thought about it at all and I'm being completely twitterpated, either case it's way too much fun!)

I had to call Mark at lunch and tell him about the stocking situation. He thought it was as cool that he had one! I'm so glad!

Beef is a little offended because the stockings are hung in this order: Dad, Mom, me, Killjoy, Mark and Beef. I guess I would feel a little annoyed as well! Mark ranks above Beef now?!?!

Anyway, I LOVE stockings and am so EXCITED to see what they look like and see them haning by the chimney. I wonder what amazing things Santa has for our stockings this year... hmmm... I'll have to spend a WHOLE WEEK before I find out. We told Santa not to come to our house until New Year's when we're all together.


Scott said...

Happy Christmas, Ram!

Scott said...

Happy New Year, Ram.

rambouillet said...

Scott - merry belated Christmas and a VERY happy new year to you too...