Monday, November 14, 2005

Blessed are the what?

I feel my blog has been compromised. What should I care, right? Shouldn't I just write and say whatever it is I want to? Sure. That's Christ-like, right? What in the world. I can't even say what it is I want to say without worrying about what someone else will think or feel. But this is my space, right? If you don't like it don't read it.

Sorry. Had to vent.

I was thinking this morning on the way to work about this verse in Matthew 5:

8Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.

And what is it to "pure in heart?" Purity can be associated with the physical state or the mental state I think. Am I of sound and pure motive? Am I thinking pure thoughts? You get my drift.

But this is worrisome. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God..." And what of those who aren't?

We live in a society where impurity reigns. REIGNS. I'll go so far as to say that it has become a god. This is greatly disturbing to me and what's more disturbing is that we go to church and do our thing and most people have become desensitized to the impurity that surrounds them. The impurity in their own lives!

I had all these thoughts to right down and now that I'm here at work they escape me.

God help us.


Scott said...

You GO girl...mmmmmhmmmmm!

rambouillet said...

Discom - love you to pieces girl!

Scott, it seems as though you bounced back - fully recovered!
