Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Get Over It

My whole life my grandmother has been telling me to get over things. There was a time in my life when I was offended. I'd worry myself sick (as I am custom and very prone to doing) over something I thought was very important, very grave and she'd say, "Get over it!" I didn't come to understand what exactly it was she was trying to communicate until very recently. She was never trying to offend or discourage; never once was she disregarding my feelings. No, she was in fact giving me excellent words of wisdom, praying one day I'd come to the maturity to understand her point (knowing I was too stubborn to listen at the time in my life to any explanation she might have for me... so why waste the breath explaning, right?) Well Memaw, I understand now.

So, after that being said: those of you mouring the Pope's death... in the words of my wise and sometimes crass (but never by intention) grandmother, "Get over it."


rambouillet said...

Alas! Poor identity, I knew it well Horatio! Now I'm afraid, I will be poorly embarassed by the writings posted on my site... oh well... such is life.

I have everything turned into UTD; GRE was terrible. It is in God's hands now (which is good he seems to handle things much better than I do)!

How are things in your neck of the woods... besides giving verbal enemas that is? :)

rambouillet said...

Yes, blogging is quite addictive. I find myself thinking about what I will write about during the dayu... I'm not sure if thats pathetic or not!