Monday, April 25, 2005


how well you perform your craft
"practice makes perfect"
and you have long since
the grout - a perfect blend of non-chalance
calloused, well worn palms and
blisters as a result of hard
so skillfully you lay each
with such focus, such devotion
to your task
build it high
build it wide
And, when you are unable to see me
start another wall
make sure that my frustration
will be insured
They only come down when you
Them to
and such a slow process,
to unbuild a fortress
so carefully laid and founded
convinced; converted by your
callous ways
I mix my grout alongside you
learn your techniques, your
crafty ways
sharing a wheelbarrow
taking turns with the trowl
we build our walls

soon, one of us will need our
own wheelbarrow for
The Distance will be to great,
to far to keep our wall-building
Achievement: finally working together.
and I fall in love with The Distance
with your work becoming mine


rambouillet said...

Writer, you're right! Stinkin... that would have been the clincher!

Discombobulated, wow, thank you. You're too kind!

GreatBeefalo said...

so writer, if Paul was writing to the Romans, he should've said "everything is possible, but not everything is stinkin' permissible?" I think that would've spiced it up too.

as for ramboulliet, I think you need to have more talk time at work to sort out your masonry issues. or buy that new CZ. Your choice, foo!

Gel said...

NIce writing. Intense and thoughtful, with good imagery.