Monday, April 11, 2005


I found out today that a lady I knew in a past life (I say that because I feel that in each city my family has lived in, I have lived a different kind of life) died of ovarian cancer. She wasn't always the nicest person to be around, but she was there for us when we moved to to B/CS and was there for us when we left. Her son was best friends with my second to youngest brother and they enjoyed terrorizing the community together... she caught a lot of flack for her quirky idiosyncrasies but can be praised with the best of them for lending a hand when needed. She'd drive you nuts and make you want to hug her all at the same time. I guess we're all that way. Anyway it (as most things do) got me thinking...

We all have cancers... various cancers of the brain. The tumors reside, infecting our minds daily. We medicate ourselves with various over the counter drugs, alcohol, nicotine, idols and such. Choose your weapon... We live as though they the tumors... the cancers... don't exist and then wonder why we're in a constant state of exhaustion...

How do you medicate your cancer?

1 comment:

rambouillet said...

Aaahhh... I'm thinking we need weekends with Jasmine and salty uncles AT LEAST once a month. I hadn't had that much fun in a long time... thats the way to medicate!