Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Gerbert the Office Fish

Gerbert, my labidochromis (yellow lab), (a fish at work) died today. I have never cried over a fish but today I considered it. I don't know why but I did. Its really rather silly because I had been telling Gerbert to die for quite some time now. In fact, I had been coming to work in hopes that I would find him belly up in his tank. I was tired of him making eyes at me all day while I did my work. All he did was dirty up the tank (for me to clean up), look pretty, eat, dirty the tank, eat, and dirty the tank. L (my office mate) joked that he had a crush on me. Well, it was unrequited love I guess. Maybe the reason he died was because of a broken heart. Well, I guess that's kind of romantic then, in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way.

Anyway, all joking aside, the fish dying was kind of tragic because he jumped out of the clean water I moved him to (so that I could clean out his tank), landed on the counter, and flopped around for a second. I scooped him up with the net, put him back in the clean water, he jumped out again (scaring me for a second time) and I again put him back into the water where he immediately turned upside down and brown (labs do this... I'm not exaggerating).

So, after my stunned silence and shock, I took the clean water with the recently dead fish and ceremoniously poured it into the toilet. Gerbert then took the ride down the porcelain express.

Rest in peace Gerbs. You were the best office fish a gal could have.


GreatBeefalo said...

does the Romeo and Juliet thing mean that you arranged to die with Gerbert but backed out of the deal, and he couldn't live with the pain anymore?

Gel said...

I'm so sorry. My younger daughter (and the rest of us) have cried many a time over fish. (WE found out the hard way that tropical fish don't live long. :( IT's the only pet she is not allergic to.