Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I hate mingling. I think that we as Americans are supposed to enjoy it, but I hate it. I love my class on Wednesday nights, but I dread the closing of it because I know that come the end everyone will mingle and I will be expected to participate in such practices. If I leave early, I miss out and thing is, I really and truly don't want to miss out, I just have a hard time going up to people I'm still getting to know. It's so hard... after all, you don't know if they are mingling with you, simple as a type of lip-service, doing you a favor or if they really do enjoy spending their time with you. How can you tell? I do not want to be the girl that when people see me coming think, "Oh, here SHE comes again..." That's terrible but you all know that kind of people I'm talking about.

So, I'm at a catch 22. I feel I am at a forever catch 22. What is a catch 22 anyway? Maybe if someone explained what one was then I wouldn't have such a hard time with them in the first place...

1 comment:

GreatBeefalo said...

do what I do, make smelly smells and pretend like it was really your sibling...oh wait, THATS not ME, is it?
smelly smellerson!