Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Screaming Infedelities

It all started when I went to my grandmother's for lunch today. Little benknownst to me was the fact that my aunt and her daughter's child were there eating as well. The Wee One is two and a half and still not talking. Yeah. Having my undergraduate degree in speech-pathology, don't even get me started. So, I'm eating my tuna and Fritos (a specialty: cheap and yummy) when the Wee One decides to, as my aunt says, "sing a song." Let me just tell you that it nothing close to being a song. Songs have melody. Songs have harmony. Songs have intonation and pitch and tone. They are not however the God-aweful wailing and groaning that this child proceded to make. My aunt, however, had to go on for my entire lunch (which I decided to cut from 1 hour to 30 minutes due to this episode) about how great this song of the Wee One's was and how cute it was and so on. She even decided to put words in the Wee One's mouth, what she was singing about and so on... words that did not exist or even start to form on the little tikes lips. Good grief. It was all I could do to keep from puking. Not because I don't love the Wee One, because God knows I do. And besides, the tuna was too good to waste on vomitting it up. But my aunt is ruining her. Ruining her. But that's another blog for another day.


rambouillet said...

I know, I had to convince it to stay so I could actually eat my lunch. And then I had to convince it to stay down!

GreatBeefalo said...

I agree--its worse when she says something and they make you look stupid for not speaking Mumbledom properly.