Tuesday, June 21, 2005


My bro and I had to go to Sears yesterday to get a battery for my Jeep. We walked inside hurridedly (I was off work for a few hours for a doctor's appointment and this was an unexpected stop)and when I didn't see Automotive looked for a sales associate. Upon seeing one I approached him and said, "I'm looking for a car battery." He replied, "Car batteries are in automotive." Really? I thought they might keep them in kitchen accesories. I stood there for a second, stared blankly ahead for affect, considered shoving the heel of my shoe where the sun don't shine and then proceded to try again.

"Where is automotive?"
"That's in the building outside."

I then turned around and headed out the door. I was really frustrated. But it was insane. Did the man really think I didn't know that a car battery would be found in automotive? Car batteries go in cars. And cars are automobiles. Therefore we can assess that car batteries would be found in the automotive section of the store.

I should have asked him if he knew where I could find ammo for a 1911. "Would that be in automotive as well sir?"

1 comment:

rambouillet said...

HA! That's fabulous!!!!