Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Book Quiz - Courtesy of Mr. Honeybee

On Mr. Honeybee's most recent post, she took a book quiz to tell you what book you're most like. Well, I decided to take it and here's what it came up with. Pretty accurate I might say... you should take it too!

You're Confessions!

by St. Augustine

You're a sinner, you're a saint, you do not feel ashamed. Well, you
might feel a little ashamed of your past, but it did such a good job of teaching you
what not to do. Now you've become a devout Christian and have spent more time
ruminating on the world to come rather than worldly pleasures. Your realizations and
ability to change will bring reverence upon you despite your hedonistic transgressions.
Florida will honor you most in the end.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


Demosthenes said...

Ok I got stuck with a book called "Love in a time of Cholera". Here's my write up.

Like Odysseus in a work of Homer, you demonstrate undying loyalty by sleeping with as many people as you possibly can. But in your heart you never give consent! This creates a strange quandary of what love really means to you. On the one hand, you've loved the same person your whole life, but on the other, your actions barely speak to this fact. Whatever you do, stick to bottled water. The other stuff could get you killed.

Umm, yeah. How 'bout freakin NO! :) Funny stuff.

Demosthenes said...

What? You mean goofing off and taking silly quizzes when I should be focusing on the ministry? No, they don't know so keep it on the DL. :) Just kidding, I know what you meant.

rambouillet said...

Demo - I'm SHOCKED!!! Sounds like we need to approach your eldership about this one... Discom, we may need to make a trip to Minnesota!


rambouillet said...

SWEET! Road trip! We can bring Writer with us and take Jasmine... ah yes... Writer, you can have Jasmine all to yourself this time, no sharing her with the brothers! ;)

Demosthenes said...

Well, actually the weather here was just a tad chilly last night at the St. Paul Saints minor league baseball game. I was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt and the 60 degree temps were just a bit low for my taste. :)

Hey, definitely get up here for a road trip, but be sure to bring the frustrated writer with you. I haven't seen my dear friend and mentor in quite some time and we are much overdue for one of our regular Chinese buffet binges. I miss him!

rambouillet said...

Hey we really SHOULD do that!!! after all, Discom, Beef and I are all in the metroplex together... we could easily hop in the Jeep and make the drive. Writer could easily make the drive from A-Town and meet us here. I've never been to Minnesota. It could be a meeting of the blogging minds! Minnesota wouldn't know what hit 'em!

Demosthenes said...

Well, I suppose at the very least I could point you ladies in the direction of the Mall of America...:) - and yes, it is all that it's cracked up to be and more.

But as for frustratedwriter it seems he may be tied up at his new job for a while (just hung up the phone with him).

rambouillet said...

You just got off the phone with him... NO FAIR!!

Speaking of Writer... Beef and I need to head to A-Town for some quality target practice. Yes... that sounds appealing...

And THEN we can kidnap Writer and take him to Minnesota! Sounds like a sure-fire plan to me.

By the way... do you two (Demo/Discom) know each other? Am I the only one out of the loop here? Just curious...

rambouillet said...

And yes, we WOULD be unruly...


this calls for the evil laugh!


Demosthenes said...

actually no, we don't know each other. In fact until I talked with frustrated writer today, I was under the impression that you were sisters! :)

rambouillet said...

Ha! That's really funny! What made you think that?

Demosthenes said...

Not sure. Probably the same reason you thought I knew discom - familiarity. Plus you always talk about your brother so I think I might have missed something in the confusion of sibling conversation. Maybe sort of a transferrence kind of thing. I dunno.

rambouillet said...

Good grief Discom... you're gonna make me cry! And you're much too sweet about the pretty thing... golley bob...

I feel like this is a sort of family as well. I so look forward to "talking" with y'all daily. It's such a blessing and SO much fun. I guess that makes me a big dork. But hey, at least I own up to it. :)

And YES we should have dinner when Writer makes his way to the Big D! That would be great. However, you must promise to keep my "real" identity safe... we'll have to have a secret hand shake or something to seal the deal. ;) Heading to Abilene and saving gas would be fun too! This is so crazy... I'm talking about planning trips with people I've never met!

Demo - isn't it funny that there is that familiarity, like being home, and at the same time so much unfamiliarity... so strange! The Spirit is amazing. God is so cool! Sorry, I had a crazy Ram moment there. Tangent. (Whoa... I almost used my real name there... it almost slipped!)

Demosthenes said...

Don't freak out, but you did let your name slip (or someone else did in a previous post or something - just your first name). But that's ok. The interesting thing is that I believe I remember C and K talking about their cousin L from time to time, though sadly I don't remember anything about what they said other than it was all postive I'm sure.

rambouillet said...

WHAT!?!?!?!?!? LET IT SLIP!?!?!?!?!? Where?!?!?!! I can't figure out where it is you're talking about...

And you know C? Wow. This is so weird. That may mean I know you. Doubtful, but possible.

Hmmmm... this is interesting. Do you remember what my name is, or just that it was leaked?


*insert weeping*