Monday, August 15, 2005

Props to Lord Byron & Writer

If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron

I have enjoyed writing for the whole of my life. As early as fifth grade, I won an award for my writing. This is not to say that I could now, but I have previously. Writer's post (you should all check out his fantastic blog @ has inspired this post especially since Ray Bradbury is one of my absolute favorite writer's of all time. His description of things makes my mind run wild with all sorts of fantastical nonsense. I love it...

Now, my blog is for my purposes and my purposes only. As are my three or four journals I keep at the house. No one reads those of course... they are simply for my own sanity. :) However, it is important that you all know that much like what Lord Byron said, I write to empty my mind. I write to sort thoughts and collect the ideas and data swirling about in my head. I wrote a short poem about that once. Don't know if I posted it or not. But it was the very same idea... emptying the mind... ink forming letters, creating words, stringing thoughts onto pages.

I do appreciate those of you who stick around for my nonsense. Especially in all of it's unedited insanity.

Sometimes I find myself aching to write down a thought so bad that I've found myself keeping a pad of paper in my car and in my purse so that at any given time I can write down whatever it is that ails me. What joyous release to be able to express oneself with words! What a tragedy to be without words... to be without words is to be without thought and what a true tragedy that is.

A few months ago I didn't know what a blog was and now I find that it is a place of solace and comfort, a place to vent. A place to lay one's head. A place to sit. A place to bounce ideas from one continent, one city to another. One mind to another. It is another place for me to be me.

I used to be so embarrassed at my writing, especially my poetry. In fact, I never told anyone I wrote any. But you know it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks. It's really a matter of what I'm thinking and whether or not I want to write it down or not. You don't have to like it. I don't necessarily want you to. This is a big deal because I've spent the better part of my life trying so hard to be what every one else wanted me to... trying so hard to please everyone else, thinking about what they wanted and liked and never thinking about what I really wanted and liked.

So, the long and short of it is this: I write to clear my head. I write because I enjoy it. I write because I feel better when I do. Like singing.


GreatBeefalo said...

and then other times, we look in and think, OH my Dog! WHATS GOING ON?!
Or maybe thats just me....

Demosthenes said...

Hey this is my first time on your site and I get references to Bradbury, Byron and Frustratedwriter in the same post? Hey, if this is an indication of things to come I'm coming back here!

But seriously, Byron is an interesting case study, because his head was not quite right to begin with. I'll never forget the day we got to Bryon in Maj Brit Lit II with Dr. Rankin when he started of the lecture by saying "Just so you know if Bryon were alive today, he'd be happy to sleep with any one of you here today...". I thought, "Oh my this is going to be interesting." And Byron is definitely anything but dull. But seriously, Bradubury is definitely my fav of all time.

rambouillet said...

I LOVE BRADBURY!!!!!!!!!! He is one of the few whose books I can read over and over again and NEVER tire of.

And I'm glad you'll be coming back!