So after not having my Jeep for a whole day, I'M VERY THANKFUL to have it back this morning!!!!!!
I love my new tires, they ride well (and they sure better for as much as they cost!!!!!!) It feels like a new car. It has been realigned and we're good to go.
I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY JEEP!!!! And the fact that the credit card went through this morning...
Driving from Sears Automotive to the office was like driving on Cloud 9. Yes sir, we just floated on over to the offive. I don't think the wheels even touched the ground.
you know, some people actually work at work. But then again, you work for a bridal show company, so "work" is a relative term.
Maybe you can get Yoko Ono and the Beatles to write you a song about the Jeep...
Did you try "laying on hands" on your vehicle before you spent all that money? You never know...
Beef - Haha... Yoko Ono. GOOBER. I'm NOT that gullible...
Dang it Demo! Should have tried the laying on of hands... ;) Would have saved about $640 bucks... yeah, should have tried that first.
Who blogged about the Jabberwocky? I missed that one! I love that poem!
Beef blogged about the Jabberwocky. It was a few days ago.
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