O.k. after today, I will not be upset about the birthday anymore. But I'm pissed. Don't tell me you're going to plan a party and then forget about it. Don't tell me you're going to call and then don't. And then, this all happens after one of the worst weekends in a year. Good grief. And then at the office they forget to order a cake. And then I have to spend my birthday money on food for the week. And then I get one present, which, you know it's not the quantity, it's that for the second year in a row people forgot. The cake wouldn't have been this cool looking if TK hadn't forgotten to order it and they hadn't had to have put two different sized layers together. It's the coolest cake I've ever had (except the doll cake my mom made when I was in 4th grade). Which I then had to take to my aunt and let my ungrateful cousins eat. Anyway...
I'm done complaining. It's out now. But I'm posting the pic because I thought the cake was kickin'.
So a VERY MERRY UN-BIRTHDAY to me today... or something.
That cake is very KICKIN... and happy birthday anyway..
and happy HNT
Thanks pixie... btw... what's HNT?
Wait. Am I missing something? After reading Monday's post, I thought you were on cloud 9 after last weekend? Man I tell you what? A guy leaves town for a couple of days and then his blogging buddies just plow right on ahead without him. Don't you guys know that all blogging must CEASE when I am away from my computer? :) But seriously happy B-Day from a very confused reader. I'll re-read. Maybe it'll be clear to me then.
Ill will say this in as clear a tone as I can muster in type:
I had EVERY INTENTION of buying Coldplay tickets for your birthday. Remember that check that bounced? Remember? Cause I DO! and I covered that bill for you so you could be less stressed and wound up out 300 bucks on my account because of chargeback fees--and STILL I AM negative or you would alreayd have the bloody tickets. It was going to be a surprise. Surprise. I am sorry that you thought Artesia sucked.
Hey Ram - Kewl cake, and yes...birthdays can SUCK!!!
My favorite is when someone "close" forgets your birthday, then a couple of months later, when you decide to buy something for yourself, they say, "Hey let me get that - I missed your birthday!"
Boy, some people really know how to add insult to injury.
Gosh. Now I feel like a jerk.
Reminds me of a song... "I'm a jerk, I'm a jerk I'm a jerk, jerk jerk..."
Beef... dude, sheesh, you don't have to get me anything. And Artesia didn't suck... just coming home did. And I know everything sucks right now. I appreciate you. It's fine. Spending time with you is enough. I'm sorry about the stupid job crap and everything... it'll get better soon... on both our ends. (it has too, right?)
Demo - it wasn't last weekend. Refer to the post about the wedding...
Writer - no worries. Jasmine made the call for you. :) She wished me well from the both of you. ;)
Scott - yeah.
Aha. Well, I'm not sure you'd want to rehash that previous post at this time so I'll just let my previous comment on that post stand. But seriously where does the events of last weekend fit into all this? Surely that must have been an "upper"? Or did that story not end as happily as it seemed on the blog? It's hard to read emotions into these things, but it seemed that as bad as it was 2 weekends ago, you rebounded nicely last weekend. (like that gratuitus baskebtall reference?)
Actually Demo, the week has been great. The weekend was WONDERFUL. Let me reiterate so there's no misunderstanding: WONDERFULLY SUPER FANTASTIC. And this week has been (with is little suprises) great. Not so much with work... but with the little things. I have much to be thankful for. ALWAYS. Anyway, just had to vent about the birthday thing because a friend brought it up on Wednesday night and it was aggrivating. And yes, I loved the gratuitus basketball reference!
Kid - thanks! And that's an AWESOME pic. How'd you do that?
Dang it Discom. Yes. Yes I do. But only those of you who know my real name could actually read it. I knew that you or Demo would point it out sooner or later... sheesh! =)
I hadn't noticed actually.
Muchos gracias Bee!
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