Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Politically Correct

Took this test via Marrie and Scott's blog. The outcome is as expected. However, could do without my picture being right smack dab on top of John Kerry's head. Lying sack of crap...

Social Moderate
(50% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(43% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid


Scott said...

Actually, Ram, Kerry's pic should show up wherever anyone particular person scores. That guy never had a single credible stance to squat on. He was NEVER my candidate.

Your position was interesting, too.

rambouillet said...

Scott, I can't figure you out.

Demosthenes said...

I was listed as a centrist. Socially and economically in the middle! How's that for satisfaction?

I also took some of the other tests too. Way fun. Apparently, I have good kissing technique, but terrible timing! HA! Fun stuff.

Scott said...

I supported Howard Dean. I would have campaigned for him if I hadn't been a preacher. Zat help?

rambouillet said...

Scott - yeah, that helps!

Demo - where'd you find the kissing test? sounds interesting...

Demosthenes said...

it was on there. Just search around. I actually saw it on the list of tests being taken at that moment.

rambouillet said...

Ditto to that one Discom! It would be funny...

Demosthenes said...

Ok, well just for reference I had 69 percent technique 49 percent Timing and 51 percent passion. I guess that means I got skills, I just don't know how to use them effectively. :)