Thursday, September 22, 2005

These kinds of tests are fun...

You scored 47 intelligence, 60 diligence, 51 charisma, and 52 compassion!
You are well-rounded and nurturing. The future of the world is in your hands. People will never understand how difficult your job is until they try it. "Don't you spend all day coloring pictures?" Ha. Right.

Other jobs you might be good at: pretty much anything you enjoy

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 29% on intelligence

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You scored higher than 88% on diligence

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You scored higher than 83% on charisma

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You scored higher than 91% on compassion
Link: The Ideal Job for Your Personality Test written by newbluechampion on Ok Cupid


Scott said...

Hmmmmm - Teacher is awfully close to SLP. And I DO mean "AWFUL" ;-)

rambouillet said...

You're a teacher Discom? Wow. I bet the kids LOVE the red rubber Target slippers! ;)

Scott - I know, I know... I can't escape it. But I don't want to do it the rest of my life! It's just interesting to me. I do find myself prescribing therapy for people in my day to day encounters... "That guy has some major velopharyngeal incompetency"... I'm WAY too weird.

rambouillet said...

Discom - should have typed "ruby" instead of rubber. Unless you own a pair of red rubber shoes... which for some reason I wouldn't doubt...